Fuel Saver X POWER ENGINE UP Bacground



3,6 billion human being in Asian nations require clean air but the air quality exactly impure progressively.
Oxygen content in air at normal condition is 21 % but practically in the big cities particularly the Indonesia at the moment only be at gyration 12 to 17,5 %.

Affect to decrease it sum up oxygen for example causing to descend recall, stress, depression, insomnia, unstable blood pressure, migraine, and various other disease.
According to result of research of American College of Allergies, 50 % disease which in this time arise because of air pollution.


Health Aspect

Assisting to lessen pollution of air by degrading storey; level of pollution of gas throw away at motor vehicle, motor ship, heavy equipments, and also machine of production which use oil or gas.

Improving health quality socialize by lessening smoke concentration which can influenced air composition so that by degrees the oxygen rate in air re-expected be at ideal position to be consumed by society.

Social Aspect of Economics

Assisting to lessen impact of economics generated by decreasing it sum up subsidy oil fuel/gas fuel.

Transferring real value consume gas and oil fuel socialize to consume everyday requirement by economizing usage of gas and oil fuel so that the fund released to consume oil and gas fuel some of them can be changed to increase the purchasing power socialize.

In a global its created more economics climate of conducive for corporate world by lessening production cost the effect of usage gas and oil fuel for the machine produce, operational vehicles, etc. so that assess employment and investment which is made available by minimize can be defended or even improved.

Supporting governmental policy to execute program of thrift in all facet of life especially for operational of machine or vehicles on duty which its defrayal charged against by country/region Budget.

PRODUCT xpower fuel saver

XPOWER is a Modern Fuel Saver which has Number of Patent Right ID-0000699-S About Equipment of Fuel and Gas Saver , Patent Number of Design Industry: ID-0010476-D and ID-0010477-D